Christian Stewardship is ... everything we think, say and do after we say "I believe". Christian Stewardship is how we invest God's 'stuff' for God's mission in God's world.
Stewardship is ...
How we spend our time
How we care for our body and make healthy choices
Our priorities around money
How we choose to employ our talents and gifts
How we manage our relationships
How we care for the environment
How we practice our faith
Why I Give…
I give because I am inspired to do so. I give not only because of what we can accomplish together, but what we can do out of generosity from one person to another. Just two Sundays ago, we had an amazingly fun worship full of baptisms and laughter. When it was all over, and people were leaving, saying the usual things, one man asked me point blank ‘What sort of candy do you give to the children?’ I answered ‘Jellybeans!’ and that was that. I thought to myself, should I be giving different candy? Then the next person came, and the moment passed. Two days later, coming into work on Tuesday, the first thing I noticed sitting on my desk, was two new containers of jellybeans. I smiled, suddenly realized why that man had asked me the question, and that smile stayed for the whole day. One simple act of giving can make anybody’s day better. I give because of people like that who inspire me with gracious acts of kindness. I’ve grown up my entire life in the United Church, it is part of our being to get involved, to do things to make the world a better place. In just our own church we are home to the amazing warm welcome shelter. Providing people in the coldest months of the year with a warm place to stay. This is a church with amazing programs, and exceedingly kind people. The sky is the limit with what we can do when we give. Consider in your heart, what inspires you? Hold that in the coming weeks, as we look at Stewardship within our church, and are moved to answer God’s grace, and the love of others, with our own giving. Amen.