First Presbyterian ChurchKnox United Church, North Portal, SK and First Presbyterian Church, Portal, ND alternate church services. The manse is located in North Portal with the minister's office in nearby Knox United Church. Our junior Sunday School and Youth Group fluctuate annually depending on numbers - both are handled by members of the congregations. Both churches have very active women's groups.
Portal’s Community Centre is a modern building complete with kitchen and houses the fire engines, ambulances, city offices, senior citizens’ room, and a community room for gatherings. The ambulance service and fire department are made up of members from both sides of the border, from Portal and North Portal. The Gateway Cities Golf Club is another example of cross-border cooperation. The clubhouse and 9th hole are in North Dakota and the other eight holes are in Saskatchewan. It is played by people from both Canada and the United States. There are also several service clubs, some of which have memberships from both North Portal and Portal. Along with the Presbyterian Church, Portal is also served by a Catholic Church, which draws its congregation from North Portal, SK and Portal, Lignite, and Columbus, ND. |